People surroundings Sungai Citarik surely know aiming to Kampong Ciptagelar, the residence of Abah Anom in Bukit Halimun, precisely in countryside Sirnaresmi, Kecamatan Cisolok Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Barat. This is a famous place because of loneliness and beauty.
The really adventure are actually at along the length of journey during less three hours predominated by forest and land road which really hard. Forests through the street seem to make everlasting. People are fear to cut away the wood not because of covert areas, but because they respect to Abah Anom, the leader of highest custom of Kasepuhan Banten Kidul.
If you have a taft offroad car, you can try to make a track to Ciptagelar. Don’t forces youself to use non-offroad car, because it’s very dangerous and you may be thrown to crevasse. If you don’t have a car, the motorcycle can be the challenged choice.
And what will you get after residing in Ciptagelar countryside? Ciptagelar is a place of Banten Kidul custom community led by Abah Anom ( have you ever heard him?). Te freshness of its nature and peacefulness of its community will make you to release all of your saturations. Keep your attitude in a manner way in this village.
That village really likes as picturesque country in folklore. As of return from this place you will get new life energy. We assure that you will be fresh.
This community, although resides in isolate place, it does not mean that they don’t recognize modernity. Although they have recognized modernity, they keep firmly their tradition. Numbers of artist have ever visit to this residence of Abah Anom.